We have just released XSharp "Anjou" Update 1.

This update fixes some issues that were found in the last week:


  • Fixed a problem with VERY old versions of the Vulcan Runtime (early Vulcan 2 versions)
  • Variables declared as DIM Byte[] and similar are now Pinned by the compiler
  • [Return] attribute was not properly handled by the compiler. This has been fixed
  • Compound Assignment (u+= f or -=) from USUAL and FLOAT were causing a stackoverflow at runtime caused by a problem in the Vulcan Runtime. These expressions now generate a compiler error with the suggestion to change to a simple assignment ( u := u + f)

Visual Studio Integration

  • Project References between XSharp Projects were also loaded as assemblyreference when resolving types. This could lead to speed problems and unnecessary memory usage
  • Improved the speed of the construction of Completion Lists (such as methods and fields for a type).
  • We have also added Completion List Tabs, where you can see fields, properties, methods etc. on separate tabs. You can enable/disable this in the Tools/Options/Text Editor/XSharp/Intellisense options page.

VO Xporter

  • We have added a check to make sure that the default namespace for a X# project cannot contain a whitespace character

On behalf of the Devteam I want to thank you all for the nice feedback that we got in the last week.This is really appreciated !

We are VERY pleased to announce that we have released XSharp "Anjou" (build 1.0.1) to the general public.

This new build differs only from RC 5, that was released last week, in a few issues with Visual Studio integration.

FOX subscribers can download their version from the FOX download area on this website. Other users can download their version from the General section on this website.

The difference between the two versions is that the Compiler in the FOX version is a little more optimized, so a little faster.

And FOX subscribers will get personal support from our development team in return for their support for the development of the product.

If you are not a FOX subscriber, now is the perfect time to join. We offer a 30% discount to all new members until August 31, 2017

We also offer a Compatitive Update for active VOPS/VPS subscribers. Click here for more information

We are very happy that we can announce that, a little bit later then planned, we have uploaded XSharp "Anjou" Release Candidate 5 to the download folder for FOX subscribers.
As you can see from the version number we have been ready for a while, but internal QA has found a couple of (very small) things that we wanted to fix before releasing the product to our customers.

RC 5 will be the same as the General Release, unless one of our customers finds a show stopper in the next couple of days.

The General Release will most likely be released beginning of next week (July 3 or 4).

Some of the highlights of this release:

We are proud that we can announce that the final beta of X# (Beta 12) has just been released to our FOX subscribers.
Some of the changes in this build:

  • We have migrated to the Roslyn codebase for C# 7. That will allow us to add many new language features in the not too far future and also solves some small problems from the earlier codebase.
  • The build contains some changes that make the compiler more VO compatible.
  • We have added support for X# Scripting.
  • We have made many improvements to the Visual Studio integration.

For a complete list of changes look at the what's new document in the General/Downloads section on this website.

If you want to support the X# project, it is not too late. We have a special 30% discount to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Visual Studio. This special offer is valid until June 7. Click here for more information.

Finally: we have also received another great customer example from Wolfgang Riedman, his "Door Configurator".
Look in the examples section on this website for more details about this example.


Already 3 weeks have passed since the conference in Germany and it is time for an update.

The conference was a big success. At first it looked like the number of attendees were going to be disappointing, but you have all waited until the last moment for signing up. The number of attendees was larger than last year, so we are making progress ! Next years conference has already be planned for April 16-18. Block the date in your calendar.

Three of our team members were present at the conference. I (Robert) would like to mention two sessions in particular because I thought they were very impressive:

Fabrice showed how he created a standard Winforms app on his windows computer and was able to (xcopy) deploy it to a Linux machine and to a Raspberry Pi running Debian with ZERO code changes. Both machines were running Mono and his apps run smoothly (albeit a little slow on the Raspberry Pi).
He also accessed a MySql database on his desktop from both the Linux machine and the Raspberry PI and was able to control a external USB device from both the Windows machine as well as from the Rapberry PI with zero code changes. Very impressive.